Week 3 Reading Assignment

“There are only 2 narratives in the human story: struggle and progress. And you can't have the latter without the former. All those ups and downs are what make us most human - knowing both joy and despair, loss and triumph. Welcome the struggle. Engage challenges wholeheartedly.” – Brendon Burchard, High Performance Habits

In Week 1, we acknowledged that life is going to be hard, and that training is one way to ease the struggle. Things don’t really get easier; you just get stronger and more capable of taking them on.

We also established that fitness is a worthy ideal to pursue, you are worthy of that pursuit, and that committed action is what gives you power.

Learning the 6 Foundations and applying your newfound knowledge consistently through committed action will be the key to achieving and maintaining momentum in your endeavors.

Commit to Be Fit

The reason I called this course, “Commit to be Fit” is because commitment is the one variable that always remains constant in successful fitness ventures. Commitment is what ties together Belief, Movement, Environment, Support, and Focus.

Commitment strengthens Belief by reiterating and affirming your beliefs. “I believe in this, so I do this.” It’s walking the walk, practicing what you preach.

Commitment progresses Movement through consistent practice. You can’t get better at squats, push-ups etc. unless you perform them often. Commitment also reminds you of the bigger purpose of movement – forward progress. Ongoing dedication leads to perseverance, which leads to accomplishment over time.

Commitment is reinforced by the Environment you create. Keeping proper workout apparel around (and clean), having access to a gym or workout equipment, maintaining healthy habits, inputting positive resources, nourishing, and replenishing your body are all part of committing to your fitness.

Commitment thrives on Support. Connection, accountability, and encouragement will solidify your commitment level and help you stay on track better than you could on your own.

Commitment applied with Focus and to a plan of action will get you where you want to be faster. There is great power in staying consistent over time, and the greater the focus, the greater the payoff. With intention and discipline, commitment becomes a potent instrument of progress.

Commitment is Investment

“The most challenging aspect of the Compound Effect is that we have to keep working away for a while, consistently and efficiently, before we can begin to see the payoff.” – Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

Choice (decision) + Behavior (action) + Habit (repeated action) + Compounded (time) = Goals

Your decisions and actions - create a “compound effect” – investments that bring a greater return over time.

Your main investments are your time, energy, and money. Investing these vital resources into your fitness demonstrates your commitment.

Every day you can choose to commit (and recommit) to your values, vision, and plan by consistently investing in what matters most. Choose to be consistent. Choose to invest.

WIN The Day

When choosing how to spend your time, ask, “What’s Important Now?”

Activities that bring the best Return on Investment (ROI):

  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Relationships
  • Reading
  • Healthy snacks and meals
  • Activities that bring joy and meaning

Use scheduling, budgeting, tracking, and reviewing to help you commit to your fitness.  

  • Budget your time for beneficial and constructive activities – make time for fitness and plan it into your week
  • Schedule a meeting with yourself and put it on the calendar: get a workout in, cook a healthy meal, get to bed on time etc.
  • Conduct weekly “performance reviews” evaluating your consistency and progress
  • Simple checklists and trackers are the easiest way to see how consistent you are over time


A plan doesn’t work unless you work it. Harness the power of commitment, engage in challenges wholeheartedly, and in due time you will reap the rewards of the compound effect in action.  


“May your work be in keeping your purpose.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

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