Week 1 Reading Assignment

“Unshackle your mind. Ditch the victim's mentality forever. Own all aspects of your life completely. Build an unbreakable foundation. This is the origin story of a hero. The hero is you.” – David Goggins, Can’t Hurt Me

Establishing Belief

Belief is powerful.

Belief propels you forward.

It opens possibilities and creates opportunities.

It helps you keep going when you want to give up.

The first step to sustainable fitness is to adopt an attitude of belief.

Your attitude - your view of yourself and the world - will influence your thoughts, choices, and actions.

An attitude of belief says,

“I believe that I can create a better tomorrow.”

“I choose to take steps forward and to grow.”

“I am up for the challenge.”

“I can do this.”

Values and Vision Guide Your Path

Belief stems from your core values and the vision you have for your life.

A value is a core principle that guides your life.

Values are chosen directions or ways of being. They are the non-negotiables in your belief system. Figuring out what you truly value will help give your life purpose and direction.

A vision is a desired and anticipated future. It is a road map that helps plot your steps and calls out your potential.

Without a clear vision you can get easily distracted and lose momentum and focus.

Staying true to your values and focused on your vision will be keys to long-term success.

A strong vision makes you believe that the future is full of possibility and opportunity. It is the "why” behind your “what.”

Your vision is not just where you want to go but also who you want to become.

The process of becoming someone new - a better version of yourself – requires a growth mindset.

“Mindsets make your brain and body work for you or against you.” – Dr. Caroline Leaf 

A growth mindset is the belief and confidence that you can grow.

It tells you that you can build on your foundations, embrace challenges, and improve your skills and abilities. It helps you see possibilities and opportunities everywhere.

As you connect more with your beliefs, vision, and values – you will discover a greater drive to continue pursuing your goals and maintaining momentum, instead of stopping and starting over and over.

Using the Power of Belief to Stay Committed to the Journey

When the going gets tough, belief keeps you going.

  • Fitness is a valuable ideal to pursue, and you are worthy and capable of such a pursuit.
  • An action-oriented plan is powerful, and training is how you access that power.
  • Training is how you embrace life and prepare for the challenges it brings.
  • Committing to living out your values and beliefs is a daily, lifelong process.

Embrace these beliefs as the foundation of your mindset.

When you start to deviate from the plan or veer off track, remember that fitness is immensely valuable.

When you start to doubt yourself or wonder if the discipline and sacrifice is worth it, remember that you are worthy of feeling good, being healthy, and operating at your best.

When you start to lose focus or momentum, remember that Knowledge + Committed Action = Power.

When you start to feel frustrated, discouraged, or at the end of your limits, remember that life is hard, but you are up to the challenge because your training makes you stronger, more capable, and more resilient.

Belief can expand your abilities or limit them. Choose to build your foundation on belief – confidence in yourself, commitment to your values, and hope in the possibilities of tomorrow.

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” – Carl Jung

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